‘The Warsaw metro’, is one of Europes newest, reminds us of the New York Subway. One of the coolest stations is probably ‘Plac Wilsona’ in ‘Zoliborz’ district with an oval formed light ceiling reminding of a seashell.
[Warsaw/Zoliborz/Metro Station: Plac Wilsona]
‘Wedel’ is THE Polish Chocolate Companys. The factory started back in 1851 and is working till now. In the middle of the city you can visit the famous ‘Wedel Café’ and try one of their super-tasty hot chocolates. Their menu contains everything you can imagine chocolate being served with, and even more. Ginger-, orange-, cherry-, or even chilly flavoured chocolate. Besides that you can buy cookies, cakes and pralines. In one sentence: ‘Wedel’ is here as big as Hershey’s is in America.
[Warsaw/Srodmiescie/Ulica Szpitalna 8]
‘Fusion’, one of Warsaws probably coolest dealer for Piaggio. It is placed in the centre of the city in a super-small room reminding of a livingroom, just that it contains over 10 Vespas instead of couches. The interior is held white and minimal.
[Warsaw/Srodmiescie/ Ul. Szpitalna 8]
‘Nalesnikarnia’, openes every day from 12:00 am to 08:00 pm and offers home made polish food for low prices in the ‘srodmiescie’ district. You can eat one of their fabulous vegetarian, meat or sweet Pancakes. Standart price for two pieces is around 15 zl (= 3,75€). Between 12:00 am and 05:00 pm you can get a lunch with soup, main dish and salad for just 16 zl (= 4€). [Warsaw/Srodmiescie/Kopernika 25]
‘Motto Café*’ offers young amateur artists to show their work in the café. Paintings, sculptures or photography. You can sit down downstairs or walk up the stairs and sit down in a comfy giant-pillow.
‘Lazienki Park’ is a leftover summer residence of the former polish king. The building and the park is now open for everyone and offers a wonderful walk in summertime. On your way you can see squirrels, ducks and peercocks which you can feed and sometimes even touch or pet. The park contains as well the ‘Center of Contemporary Art’.
[Warsaw/Mokotow/Lazienki Park/Aleje Ujazdowskie]
‘Royal Netherlands Embassy’, in front of the ‘Japanese Embassy’, is a building designed by the dutch architect Erick van Egraat. This eye-catching complex features a green steel fence imitating plants and a high structured and minimalistic façade.
[Warsaw/Mokotow/Ulica Kawalerii 10]